Custom Workers’ Compensation Medical Bills Repricing

Control Workers’ Comp Savings and Noise


Close Workers’ Comp Savings Gaps

Our dynamic and proprietary Fair Market Pricing methodology allows us to achieve savings for you where others can’t. Consolidate your workers’ comp medical bills with Reliant and you’ll see consistent discounts across the board, in states with or without fee schedules. And all without having to work through multiple layers of networks, just to find one that will reduce your bill! Leverage Reliant first, and you’ll get the best discount possible – with the least amount of pushback.


Total Savings Rate


Savings Rate off State Fee Schedule


Appeals Rate


of Savings Paid as Additional Payments


Partnering for the Best Results and Experience

Your workers’ compensation bills will be deeply discounted, using the same flexible, sophisticated Fair Market Pricing methodology that Reliant originally developed for group health claims. Bolstered by deep workers’ comp industry relationships and experience, we’ll deliver results that a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) often can’t.

Count on us for:

  • Dynamic bill processing workflows

  • State-specific pricing

  • End-to-end appeals management

  • Enhanced turnaround as needed

  • Best-in-class security + HIPAA compliance

Partnering with Clients Nationwide

Case Studies

Tailored Strategies for Maximum ROI

Enabling Strategic Business Growth

How accūrō increased bill turnaround by a factor of 7X and improved savings

Read the Case Study →

Next Steps

Customize Your Workers’ Comp Savings Strategy

Let’s create a fully tailored workers’ comp approach to get you maximum savings with minimum noise! Book your free consultation, and get a custom savings analysis based on your actual workers’ compensation bills. You’ll be able to see just how much you could save with Reliant.